Behind the Scenes: Mayo Clinic's Data Strategy for Transforming Patient Care

Phil Sobol

Chief Commercial Officer, CereCore

Ajai Sehgal_600
Ajai Sehgal

Chief Data and Analytics Officer, Mayo Clinic

Ajai Sehgal, Chief Data and Analytics Officer at Mayo Clinic, discussed the building blocks of healthcare data strategy and the value of data analytics from examples of physicians and patients who experienced better care, time savings and reduced cost. “Early detection of disease is a way of both curing patients and delivering better healthcare, but also scaling our physicians,” said Sehgal in this interview with host Phil Sobol, Chief Commercial Officer of CereCore. Hear more about Mayo Clinic’s approach to data governance, stewardship and literacy programs, and physician engagement. If you’re wondering where to begin or how your healthcare organization can take advantage of data analytics, stream this episode for Sehgal’s advice. 

Key topics:  

  • Career highlights and transition to healthcare at Mayo Clinic 
  • Data management and governance principles 
  • Examples of solving health problems with data and early disease detection 
  • Strategic direction, data governance and physician engagement 
  • Quantifiable value of data analytics 
  • Startup principles apply to data analytics 
  • Advice for managing technology change 

Connect with Ajai Sehgal, Chief Data & Analytics Officer at Mayo Clinic, and show host Phil Sobol, Chief Commercial Officer of CereCore on LinkedIn. Did this topic resonate with you? Reach out and start a conversation on LinkedIn.  

If your organization doesn’t have the capability internally to advance or optimize your technology, CereCore may be able to help—contact us 

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